The Modern Approach to Direct Procurement

8 ways machine learning will help you to simplify buying and grow your business value

  • Take a closer look at the market and data factors

    that are frustrating buyers’ ability to ‘buy well’.

  • Learn why machine learning represents such an exciting

    opportunity for the procurement function.

About this guide


Direct procurement is changing fast – presenting new obstacles and fresh opportunities. Discover the 8 ways that digital technology, powered by machine learning, can help your procurement team to simplify purchasing and add lasting value.

  • Explore the key factors making it harder to buy well
  • Hear what the experts have to say about the future of procurement
  • Get to know the benefits of using digital technology to empower your buyers



nicolas maher
“For us, direct procurement is at its absolute best when the focus of your technology is on decision augmentation rather than decision automation. There is simply no technological replacement for human instinct. Only better support.”

Nicolas Mahler

Director and Co-founder, Datapred